
Pranic energy mystic power of the ancients
Pranic energy mystic power of the ancients

* A Man Used Pranic-Energy to Stop His Wife From Seeing Another Man and Saved His Marriage. * It Enable a Middle-Aged, Plump and Unattractive Woman Who Had Grown Disillusioned With Both Men and Life, to Find True Love and Happiness With a Man who Loved Her For What She Was. * Pranic-Energy Can Help You Win the Person of Your Hearts Desire No Matter What Your Circumstances Are and How Unattractive You Think You May Be. * THE ANCIENT OCCULT WAY TO WINNING THE HEARTS OF OTHERS. * HOW PRANIC-ENEGY CAN ENABLE YOU TO HEAL ANYONE AT ANY DISTANCE, HOW IT CAN HEAL ANIMALS, AND DISSOLVE NEGATIVE CONDITIONS IN OTHERS. Her Husband Continued to Use the Pranic Healing and After Just One Month X-Ray Tests Showed That the Ulcers Had Completely Disappeared. For Months She Had Suffered in Great Agony Without Relief. * It Enabled One Man to Put a Stop to His Wife's Ulcer Pains Overnight. * This Secret Completely Healed the Author's Husband of a Malignant Brain Tumour. * HOW PRANIC-ENERGY CAN WIPE OUT PAIN AND DISEASE ALMOST OVERNIGHT - IT WORKS WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS! * Through Application of This Secret, an Unemployed Man Unexpectedly Gained £2000. * HOW PRANIC-ENERGY CAN BRING YOU THE EXACT AMOUNT OF MONEY YOU NEED, AND ALL THE RICHES YOU WILL EVER WANT. * THE INCREDIBLE PSYCHOLOGICAL SYSTEM OF THE ANCIENTS AND HOW IT CONTAINS THE ONLY AND TRUE SECRET TO GAINING CONSTANT SUCCESS. In "Pranic-Energy: Mystic Powers of the Ancients" you will read the exciting story of how this fabulous ancient secret was re-discovered, and how through many years of study and psychological counselling with clients at her London office she came to be convinced that this was at last the true key to accomplishing miracles through magick. Use this miracle power and nothing will ever be denied to you again! The right use of Pranic-Energy, as explained in this book, is your key to unlimited personal fulfilment, happiness and riches and security without end. This book tells you exactly how it is done. the uses of Prana (breath) are well known to Yogis and occultists, but never before has it been explained in such clearer, penetrating detail as is in this book just EXACTLY HOW THIS FORCE IS USED IN THE PROCESS OF CHANGING DESIRES INTO REALITIES.

pranic energy mystic power of the ancients pranic energy mystic power of the ancients

"Pranic-Energy" was the force that the Ancients used to bring about the circumstances they desired. All that the reader needs is privacy, the right frame of mind, and this book, in order to get very definite and exciting results from this ancient formula. The mighty secret of the Ancients, she says, can be employed with amazing results, in just ten to fifteen minutes a day - no more - if her simple instructions are carefully followed. Miss Sanderson has spared the reader hours of complicated rituals and all the paraphernalia that go with them.

pranic energy mystic power of the ancients

Not only is this most potent of all occult secrets now available for use by modern man, but it has been reduced and condensed into one single magickal formula so easy to follow that even a child can use it! This extraordinary book by psychic researcher Julia Sanderson, based on 30 years of study and experiment, could easily be claimed to contain the most potent occult secret ever revealed to modern man.įor here, in the pages of this exciting book, is the actual magick believed to have been practised by the fabulous Kahuna miracle workers of Old Hawaii and the temple priests of Ancient Egypt!Īfter thousands of years of being lost in obscurity the very same, extraordinary magickal knowledge that enabled the Ancient Egyptians to amass unparalleled power and prosperity, and that was used by the kahunas to perform their extraordinary healing miracles CAN NOW BE EMPLOYED BY MODERN MAN TO GAIN WHATEVER HE DESIRES IN LIFE! THE MOST POTENT OCCULT SECRET EVER REVEALED!

Pranic energy mystic power of the ancients